Monday, April 15, 2019

Studies Reveal Listening to Music Enhances Exercise Performance

Barry Baldwin presently resides in New York and previously served as a bus operator with the NYC Transit Authority for 27 years. Prior to his role with NYC Transit Authority, Barry Baldwin of New York operated mailroom machines at Chase Manhattan Bank. Mr. Baldwin currently enjoys an array of hobbies including biking, walking, working out, and listening to various genres of music

Listening to music not only makes exercise more exciting, but it is also proven to enhance workouts. Listening to music boosts exercise performance through an improvement in the mood and stamina. In particular, songs with a steady beat which are synchronized with exercise are believed to increase the motivation to continue to exercise and boost the intensity of the workout. This finding was backed up by a 2012 study led by C.I. Karageorghis and D.L. Priest. The same study revealed that physical performance improved when participants listened to fast-paced music during low to moderate level exercise. 

Earlier in 2010, C.I. Karageorghis conducted a study which showed that music could distract from pain experienced during exercise and could, in turn, increase work capacity and delay fatigue.